Introducing Email for Greater Engagement

As the leading mobile marketing platform for apps, adding email support was a natural extension of our product. Our customers asked for a simple but powerful way to coordinate messaging campaigns across channels like email, push, in-app messages, and app inbox (previously called newsfeed) from a single platform. Email marketing automation tools that aren’t integrated with your data make it more difficult for mobile teams to reach the audiences they want. With easy segmentation and personalization, we help top brands save time, save money, and increase engagement and ROI.

Here are three successful strategies top apps are employing with Leanplum’s email marketing automation.

Combat Push Notification Opt-Outs

On average, only about 42 percent of users opt-in to push notifications. You can use email to reach users who opt-out of push and lure them back into your app through various content or promotions. To increase opt-ins, use Push Pre-Permissions (previously referred to as Soft Ask Push Permissions) to serve a message asking for push opt-ins when users are most engaged. We’ve seen incredible results from Push Pre-Permissions, with one app increasing push opt-ins by 182 percent.


mobile email automation

Re-Engage Dormant Users

Data shows that about one-third of users abandon your app after their first use. Unfortunately, the cost of acquiring new users is much higher than the cost of retaining current ones.

Take a more proactive approach and follow up your push campaign immediately with an additional email to all users. You may re-engage a user with new content, like a news article or music playlist personalized to their preferences. Or you may offer discounts on a new item or trip available only inside your app. Remember: dormant users were previously active, so leverage historical behavior to segment users based on engagement activity.   

Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Shopping cart abandonment are the most dreaded three words in any retailer’s lexicon. And our data shows that this challenge is even worse on apps than it is on desktop, with users abandoning 90 percent of mobile shopping carts.

Again, send email in concert with push notifications, in-app messages, and app inbox to move users towards conversions. Notify users that items are still saved to their cart and deep link them back to the checkout page. You can A/B test additional offers, like free shipping, to incentivize conversions. This strategy is great for any e-commerce app, for example travel brands encouraging users to book flights and hotels.  

Learn how Mixbook increases purchase conversions by 14% in their mobile app

How It Works

You can set up emails with Leanplum in three easy steps.

  1. When creating a new message, set the new message type for “Email”.
  2. Next, configure the settings that will apply to all email campaigns under your application. To access these settings, click on your name in the top right hand corner of Leanplum’s Dashboard → App Settings → Settings & Keys.
  3. Finally, you will see an option to edit HTML in that message. Under the Tools menu, in the Message Composer, you have the ability to open the HTML source of that email. If you have pre-existing templates, copy your HTML source directly into your email.

And voilà! It’s easy as 1-2-3. Email empowers you to respond to activities in and out of the app with added speed and consistency. Our rich text editor to craft messages or upload responsive HTML5 templates that look great on desktop and mobile.

mobile email marketing automation

Improved Segmentation & Personalization

Within each email, you have the flexibility to add dynamic content.

Segmentation: Send emails to select subsections of your audience, by segmenting based on out-of-the-box and customizable characteristics. Out-of-the-box targets by app version, lifecycle, localization, timing, technology, user bucket, and user ID. Customizable segments include behavior, user acquisition, and user attributes.

Parameters and values: Use the Insert Value menu to insert templated values, such as User Attributes to address the user by their name, or Parameters to include event parameters such as an Order ID.

Linked Data: Linked Data empowers you to leverage external data and content that can be dynamically inserted into an email body. You can embed feeds of data, like your latest blog post or Twitter stream. Or you can link personalized data like your customer’s order status, inventory availability, a daily menu, or weather details. Leanplum fetches data just in time so it is relevant, personalized, and dynamic.   

Jinja templating: For more advanced personalization, use Jinja template code to create conditional blocks and loops. For example, designate a specific section of your email to only appear to users who purchased previously.

Synchronized Messaging Channels

push notification

The beauty of our email solution is the out-of-the-box integration with other messaging channels. Coordinate email campaigns in tandem with our Lifecycle Engine to synchronize email with push notifications, in-app messages, app inbox, and more. Seamlessly reach users across every engagement channel from a single platform.

We also give you rich data so you can always make informed decisions. For every email campaign, we track a series of metrics, such as deliveries, dropped messages, bounces, opens, clicks, reported as spam, and unsubscribes.

A view of some metrics you can track with Leanplum's email

Unlike other industry solutions that only provide messaging capabilities, Leanplum empowers you to manage in-app content with App Editing, A/B Testing, and Analytics — inside one integrated platform. Ready to get started? Contact to learn more.

Leanplum is the most complete mobile marketing platform, designed for intelligent action. Our integrated solution delivers meaningful engagement across messaging and the in-app experience. We work with top brands such as Expedia, Tesco, and Lyft.

Schedule your personalized demo here.